Dr. Gladys Monroy and Larry Marks: Accelerating Brain Research

Dr. Gladys Monroy and Larry Marks

Dr. Gladys Monroy and Larry Marks

Science is more important now than ever — especially in the area of brain research. Around the world, as many as 44 million people are living with Alzheimer's disease. The road ahead is challenging as scientists do not yet fully understand the factors that contribute to Alzheimer's, and doctors still lack clinical tools to effectively treat the condition.

The need for more effective treatment strategies has hit home for Dr. Gladys Monroy and Larry Marks of Atherton, California.

"As we've gotten older, we've realized that many people we know have been touched by Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, or dementia," Mr. Marks explained. "Recently, we've watched a dear friend and a close family member struggle with Alzheimer's, and we wanted to do something to help fight this devastating disease."

"We wanted to do something to help fight this devastating disease." — Larry Marks

The couple's desire to make an impact motivated them to make a lead gift to the American Committee's 75th anniversary campaign, Transforming Tomorrow: Accelerate the Next 75 Years of Scientific Breakthroughs. Their monumental gift of more than $6 million will enable the Weizmann Institute to establish a world-class brain research center.

The Gladys Monroy and Larry Marks Center for Brain Disorders will advance the Weizmann Institute's pioneering work in neuroscience. As world leaders in their fields, Weizmann neuroscientists are developing more effective treatment methods for neurodegenerative diseases, uncovering the processes of brain injury and repair, and shining a light on mental illness and behavioral disorders. The new Center will provide these innovators with the tools and resources necessary to make breakthroughs to benefit people across the globe.

Dr. Monroy and Mr. Marks understand the value and necessity of cutting-edge science. Dr. Monroy, who holds a PhD in biochemistry, is an internationally renowned patent and intellectual property attorney. She regularly worked with biotech companies in their infancy and during product development in the areas of patent prosecution and technology transfers. Prior to his successful career in real estate, Mr. Marks conducted biochemical research at Abbott Laboratories and corporate product training at Hewlett-Packard.

As longtime Weizmann Institute supporters and Co-Chairs of the American Committee's Bay Area Region, the couple believes the Weizmann Institute's philosophy of innovative, multidisciplinary research will lead to transformative discoveries. "The Weizmann Institute attracts the top scientists in the world and then allows them the freedom to follow their curiosity," Dr. Monroy said.

"The Weizmann Institute attracts the top scientists in the world and then allows them the freedom to follow their curiosity." — Dr. Gladys Monroy

Dr. Monroy and Mr. Marks embody the spirit of the Transforming Tomorrow Campaign — and its goal of accelerating future scientific breakthroughs. With their support, the new Center for Brain Disorders will be at the forefront of neuroscience research, advancing the Weizmann Institute's vital mission of science for the benefit of humanity.