Dr. Saul Unter Promotes a Better Tomorrow with a Planned Gift of an IRA

Dr. Saul Unter

Dr. Saul Unter

In the future, world-changing discoveries at the Weizmann Institute will take shape thanks to the generosity of Dr. Saul Unter — a man whose story started on the streets of New York City and who now seeks to broaden the boundaries of life for everyone.

Saul has named the American Committee for the Weizmann Institute of Science as the beneficiary of his retirement account, ensuring the Weizmann Institute will continue to pioneer research for the benefit of humanity long into the future.

Saul's gift reflects his support for Israel and his desire to improve the lives of the world's neediest people. Growing up in the Bronx, Saul gained first-hand knowledge of the struggles and obstacles so many of us face. As the Holocaust claimed the lives of his family in Europe, Saul developed an early understanding of the threat posed by open antisemitism — a threat that is now on the rise once again around the world.

"I was raised with the image of the Holocaust," Saul says. Deeply proud of his own Jewish heritage, Saul is committed to helping others rise up from challenging circumstances to live full, happy lives.

A 1960 graduate of the City College of New York, Saul later graduated from New York University Dental School, served in the U.S. Air Force for two years, and, in 1972, entered orthodontics — in which he operated his own private practice for more than 30 years. Living today in Manhattan with a wide variety of interests, Saul encourages everyone to leave a legacy that reflects their values.

"Give heartily what you can," he says. "Give to things that have meaning in your life."